They when things are bad, only people that truly care will say anything. Well I care about the Blackberry platform but it seems they are set for a date worse than Nokia, closer to Palm.
With the recent news of RIM cutting 2k jobs and not trimming any fat from the top I started to lose more hope. Then today's following tweet came out and signs the ship is going down started to show more than ever.
"You got it! New #BlackBerry devices are coming w/ our new OS, BlackBerry 7! Check back tmrw 4 deets on #BB7FanNight"
What is so sad about this is that they simply are delusional and stuck in the past. From their claims of a "superphone" that have specs of my phone from last year (htc evo 4g) to a new Os 7 (also known as Os 6.5). They just simply don't get it.
For lovers of the Blackberry platform I hope they get a solid Os and or adopt a entirely new OS to compete with Android and Apple's iOs.
In my personal opinion RIM should not stop with the Android App player and make Android their Os of choice and keep their current Os for it's lower level phones.