Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sprint htc Evo 3D $174.99 at Sams Club!

Need I say more people, I happen to be at a Sams club browsing for prices on the evo 3D and look what found, the 3D for $25 cheaper than the rest.

Hit your local Sams to reap the benefits.

RIM focuses on Superphone, dumps 10inch playbook!

Is this the move we all have been waiting for? Rim announces that their rumored Superphone is more important to which all that want RIM to succeed say, duh!

With the playbook not doing to hot this is a wise idea, now if Rim could only get some future proof specs in their phones with the qnx os.

For more info hit the link below.

RIM reportedly scrapping 10-inch BlackBerry tablet -

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Existing Verizon customers can keep unlimited data plans, info Suggest!

This one is still hot and still in rumor status but word on the Internet streets is that existing customers of Verizon will be able to keep their unlimited data plans.

Unclear is if you upgrade your phone,  will you be able to still the same data plan.

Hit the link below for more.

Keep your existing data plan on Verizon after the rumored 7/7 switch? -

Friday, June 17, 2011

Sprint agrees to bring 4G LTE with LightSquared!

It's official Sprint has joined the LTE bandwagon by reaching a 15 year deal with LightSquared. This may be a great move since Clearwire hasn't been the most reliable as one late.

Will this give them the push they need to get to verizons level along side their recent push for Android phones and rumored iphone in the works? I don't know but things just got more interesting.

To read more hi the link below.

Sprint to deploy 4G LTE network with LightSquared -

RIM not looking so hot!

*update sixth investor leaving all stakes from RIM

It is not looking so hot for our friends at RIM due to lack luster sales (thats being nice) of the blackberry playbook along side devices that innovative about 5 years ago. There are even reports on layoffs and now the questions begin. 

Will RIM go the way of Nokia or adopt Android? Is this what they should do since they have been running on a 10 year old OS? Sorry but I they dont do something soon RIM's motion will continue to be a downward spiral to extinction.

Hit the link below for more info.

RIM Financial Outlook Dismal, 500,000 Playbooks Shipped -

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

RIM Blackberry to be killed by Apple's iOS 5?

With the recent announcement by Apple of iMessage that works across all Apple devices, RIM (maker of the blackberry) should be concerned.

Let's be straight about one thing, I actual love.blackberries, I've had 3 in my phone life. Blackberry messenger, and the business sector, are the only things holding RIM afloat. There are rumors of a cross platform Blackberry Messenger coming to android in the fall and then iOS in the first quarter of 2012, but will it be enough?

We all can agree that RIM is behind the times but are they a lame duck or can they pull a Sega and go from hardware to software? They have great apps and have that business mind set that could benefit say a Google. The thought of Google purchasing RIM has been whispered since the rumors of Android running on the Playbook.

Regardless of what happens RIM does need to make a move soon or follow the fate of Nokia.


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